KITE Creates is building bridges between innovators in healthcare and creative industries

KITE's scientific trainee Melissa Biscardi wearing a VR headset

Create with Us

Powered by the University Health Network’s KITE Research Institute, we aim to merge creative ingenuity with scientific expertise to create human-centred solutions for complex accessibility needs.


If you work in media creation, AR/VR, VFX and animation, gaming, fashion/wearables, product design, or AI and have an interest in healthcare, KITE Creates offers a gateway into new learning and collaborative opportunities.


If you're curious about how experts from diverse creative fields can help elevate your research or accelerate your health venture, KITE Creates can help unlock novel approaches to patient care.

Creative Zones

We’re re-imagining accessibility across the following priority areas.
Collage of a woman with a VR headset, a young woman showing a senior woman a virtual road, and a person working with a sowing machine


Create content that meets the needs of people of all ages, conditions, and abilities.

Priority Areas

Desktop games/applications, mobile games, VR/AR experiences, group/community play activities

Target Outcomes

» Improved cognitive/neurological function
» Beneficial mood/wellness outcomes
» Beneficial physical/health outcomes
» Experiences that produce positive social connections
» Universally accessible games/media


Design products that will improve accessibility in residential, public, and care settings.

Priority Areas

Home-based products, assistive solutions, mobility devices, public infrastructure, community design/accessibility approaches

Target Outcomes

» More inclusive and accessible homes and communities
» Safer, more enjoyable and dignified independent living
» Greater social and community connectivity and engagement


Develop wearable technology that will empower users to take control of their health.

Priority Areas

Smart fashion products, advanced materials/textiles, wearable technologies

Target Outcomes

» Wearable solutions that offer enhanced comfort, fit and style
» Improved health monitoring and feedback solutions
» Lower ecological impacts through reduced waste, extended product lifecycle and greater energy efficiency

Get involved

Connect with innovators through three unique pathways.

Events & Workshops

Broaden your horizons, sharpen your skills, and grow your professional network through events hosted by KITE Creates and our partners.

Go to Events & Workshops >>

A group of people around the letter I, C, A, I, R

Creators Circle

Take part in a creativity-infused incubator experience designed to help early-stage healthcare and creative innovators level up their ventures through targeted coaching, matchmaking and peer learning.

Learn More >>

Imagination Hub

Explore pilot projects that are bringing together diverse stakeholders to re-imagine accessibility across our Creative Zone priority areas.

Explore Projects >>

A "KITE" sign with a group of people meeting at Toronto Rehabilitation Institute's auditorium.

Creators Spotlights

Get inspired by how these researchers and companies are fusing science, creativity and creative disciplines to re-imagine care, accessibility and approaches to better living.
Unless otherwise noted projects and ventures featured in this section are not affiliated with or endorsed by KITE or UHN.

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